By default, Agavi will use the first match it finds; therefore, as a general rule, arrange routes with the most specific ones first and the more general ones further down. 默认情况下,Agavi将使用它查找到的第一个匹配项;因此,作为一般规则,应该将最特别的路由安排在前面,越普通的路由位置越靠后。
There is a default rule configuration that you include to get the needed patterns. 您已经包含一个用于获取需要的模式的默认规则配置。
Together, the default role and default policy make up the default authorization: the implicit rule of access on the cube for users with no explicit rule of access. 默认角色和默认策略共同构成默认授权:多维数据集上针对没有显式访问规则的用户的隐式访问规则。
Choose the default ( or create a new) Profile rule 选择默认的(或创建一个新的)Profilerule
In the default rule set, a part type is identified by classifying the token using a dictionary. 在默认的规则集中,可以通过使用字典分类令牌来识别部件类型。
Clear the Activate the default response rule checkbox, if you would like to set your own rules, and then click Next. 如果希望设置自己的规则,那么清除Activatethedefaultresponserule复选框,然后单击Next。
Each chain can have a policy that defines "a default target", i.e.a default action to perform, if a packet doesn't match any rule in that chain. 每个链都可以有一个策略,它定义“缺省目标”,也就是要执行的缺省操作,当信息包与链中的任何规则都不匹配时,执行此操作。
This will be the default rule used for everything in the source document; in a minute, you'll add the rule for transforming the 这将是用于源文档中所有内容的缺省规则;待会,将添加用于转换
By default, it simply allows each rule to execute separately to identify problems. 默认条件下,它会允许每一个规则去单独地执行以识别问题的存在。
This is the default level applied to all classes unless a more specific filter rule is applied, which we will do in just a moment. 这是应用于所有类的默认级别,除非指定了更具体的过滤规则,我们稍后就会这样做。
Perry warns darkly that Default Man might not rule for ever: Things may be changing. 佩里阴暗地警告称,默认男也许不会永远当权:事情可能正在发生变化。
By default, the edge rule agent runs before the content filter agent to reduce the cost of processing messages that may be blocked by the edge rule agent. 默认情况下,边缘规则代理在内容筛选器代理之前运行,以便降低边缘规则代理可能会阻止的邮件的处理开销。
By default, the yacc-generated parser will start by trying to parse an instance of the first rule found in the rules section of the file. 默认情况下,yacc生成的解析器将首先尝试去解析在文件的规则部分得到的第一个规则的实例。
You can't design more than one view, default, rule, procedure, or trigger at a time. 不能一次设计多个视图、默认值、规则、过程或触发器。
You can't import or link a default or a rule. 不能导入或链接默认或规则。
According to the reasons of the incomplete contract, default rules can generally be divided into two categories: the majority rules and the penalty default rule. 根据合同漏洞形成的原因,可以大体上将默认规则分为两类:多数的默认规则和惩罚性默认规则。
Fuzzy Default Rule Based Self-organizing Approximate Reasoning 基于模糊缺省规则的自组织近似推理
In this paper, the concept of multi-attribute information gain is introduced, then algorithms for mining default rules based on Rough set and information gain are proposed and applied to mine the default rule from the decision table. 论文在现有的基于Rough集理论的缺省规则挖掘算法的基础上,将单属性信息增益概念扩充为多属性的情况,提出了基于信息增益的缺省规则的搜索策略和挖掘方法。
It relies on evolutionary algorithm to search for, find and select the proper rules, realizes several implicit objectives by inducting heuristic knowledge to create default rule structure, and designs a genetic evolutionary machine learning system ( GEML 1) with satisfied robustness and flexibility. 设计并实现了遗传进化机器学习系统GEML-1,该系统具有良好的鲁棒性和柔顺性。
But if the strategic default or deviation from absolute priority rule is allowed, the decision that maximizes value of equity will be consistent with one that maximizes corporate value. 但是,如果允许策略性债务违约或对绝对优先权原则偏离,股东权益价值最大化的破产决策将达到与公司价值最大化一致的结果;
Subsequences length and average accuracy values are compared under classification method with default rule. Experiments show that this intrusion detection method can have low false positive and high detection rate. 分析了在含有默认规则的检测方法下,滑窗长度和平均检测率以及规则数目之间的变化,实验结果表明该方法具有较高的平均检测率和检测速度。
The rule on liability for default is included in the scope of its considerations. It may lead that risk burden at the time is contrary to the general rule. 将违约责任的规则纳入其考量的范围,就有可能导致风险负担有悖于一般规则的适用。
The special position of default rules in rule set makes it needs the most times of comparison when matching a packet. 默认规则在规则表的特殊位置,使得其与数据包匹配所需的匹配次数最多。
Simply speaking, data mining is to establish mathematic model by facing vast storage data, to find both the default business rule and the useful information and put it into practice. 简单地说,数据挖掘就是面对海量的存储数据建立数学模型,找出隐含的业务规则和有价值的信息,在实际应用中发挥作用。